The Conservation of Byobu

conservation of byobu

Berlin, July 2017 – Last week I was in Berlin again. After almost three years, I came back to attend the workshop on the Conservation of Byobu Japanese Screens at the Museum für Asiatische Kunst in Dahlem.

One more time I had the chance to meet my teachers from Japan and colleagues from all over the world. During the week I learn about complex objects such as byobu and traditional techniques to built and restore them. Once again I had a wonderful and useful experience for both my professional and personal growth.

Conservators and restorers, who already have an advanced knowledge of Japanese restoration and conservation techniques, can apply for this five-day workshop on the conservation of byobu. Applicants are required to have previously attended either “Basics for Japanese Paper and Silk Conservation” or similar workshops run by Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, such as JPC.
They will learn the basic techniques of Japanese paper restoration, the structure of Japanese screens like byobu (folding screen), the analysis of damages on screens through the practical work conducted by Japanese specialists.

In the pictures: moments from the workshops; life in Berlin.